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Courses and evaluations

French 441: Junior/Senior Seminar

Spring 2017: "Mediating the Postcolonial in Francophone Texts and Contexts" 

This course examines representations of post/colonial contexts in visual culture (graphic novels, film, and paintings), literature, and cultural studies, through theories of the gaze. 

click here for course evaluations

Spring 2016: Monsters, Hybrids, and the Infected: Dehumanizing Society in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century French-Language Literature and Visual Culture 

This course examines representations of monstrous figures, such as the zombie or human-animal hybrids, in contemporary literature and visual culture of the francophone world. Students will read and view texts by writers and filmmakers from the Caribbean (Haiti), French-speaking Africa (Senegal and Rwanda), as well as France and Belgium, to study how these entities are used to interrogate historical, social, and political divisions.  

click here for course evaluations

French 101: Beginning French I

This course introduces students to the basic skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading in French. 

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Fall 2015)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Fall 2015)

click to see sample documents below

Interdisciplinary Studies 174: Global Senegal: Alternative Modernities 

Study away course to Senegal co-led with Prof. Wendy Wilson Fall. There were no course evaluations for this class. 

French 211: Advanced French

Grammar review with emphasis on areas of greatest difficulty. Enrichment of written expression with emphasis on style and vocabulary building. Examination of cultural and contemporary issues and discussion of cultural and literary texts.

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Fall 2017)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Fall 2017)

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Fall 2016)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Fall 2016)

French 324: French Civilization since 1789

This course explores key cultural and political changes following 1789 through visual culture, historical documents and literature. Topics discussed include: the French and Haitian Revolutions; slavery and abolition; Romanticism; the Haussmannization of Paris; the Third Republic; the Dreyfus affair; World Wars I and II; the Algerian War; contemporary France and Charlie Hebdo. In addition to asking how France’s past has shaped its present, this course explores how the texts studied represent historical events. It also asks students to interrogate the traditional boundaries of French history and civilization.

click here for course evaluations (Fall 2017)

click here for course evaluations (Fall 2015)

click to see sample documents below

French 112: Intermediate French II 

Review and expansion of the basic grammar and vocabulary of the language. Attention to developing reading and conversational skills and a deeper understanding of French and other Francophone countries. 

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Spring 2017)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Spring 2017)

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Spring 2016)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Spring 2016)

Courses taught & evaluations
University of arizona
assistant professor
fall 2018

French 301: Pronunciation and Conversation

French 160A1: The French-Speaking World

Lafayette college
Visiting assistant professor
fall 2015-spring 2018
Teaching Documents
holding the marquis de lafayette's sword during a class visit to special collections, lafayette college
Photo: Mary cors

First Year Seminar 016: Zombies! From Slaves to Cannibals

This seminar examines the zombie’s migration from Caribbean folklore to the popular culture of the United States from an interdisciplinary perspective as a means of developing students' critical thinking, writing and speaking skills. 

click here for course evaluations (Fall 2016)

haverford college
Visiting assistant professor
fall 2012-spring 2013 &
spring 2014-2015

French 312: Aux Pays des revenants 

click here for course evaluations (Fall 2012)

French 102: Introduction à l’analyse littéraire et culturelle II

click here for course evaluations (Spring 2013)

French 101: Introduction à l’analyse littéraire et culturelle I                

click here for course evaluations (Fall 2014)

French 004: Intermediate French II

click here for Sections 1 & 2 course evaluations (Spring 2015)

click here for Sections 1 & 2 course evaluations (Spring 2014)

click here for course evaluations (Spring 2013)

French 003: Intermediate French I 

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Fall 2014)

click here for Section 2 course evaluations (Fall 2012)

French 002: Non-intensive Elementary French II

click here for Section 1 course evaluations (Spring 2015)

Pacific university 
fall 2013

French 101: Introduction to French Language & Culture I 

click here for course evaluations

French 102: Introduction to French Language & Culture II   

click here for course evaluations

First-Year Seminar: “Humans, Zombies and Animals”

click here for course evaluations

university of pennsylvania
teaching fellow, ta & instructor
fall 2007-summer 2013

French 140: Intermediate French II (Summer 2013, 2011 & Spring 2009)

French 230: Masterpieces of French Cinema (Fall 2011)

French 382: Horror Cinema (Fall 2010)

French 130: Intermediate French I (Fall 2008)

French 120: Beginning French II (Spring 2008)

French 110: Beginning French I (Fall 2007)

click here for a summary of course evaluations

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